Excellence in Customer Service for an Individual

Outstanding Business Achievement Awards 2024 | Sarnia Lambton Chamber


Recognizing an individual that excels in providing outstanding customer service and drive value throughout the community, as a place that we want to send our family, friends, and colleagues.

  1. Must be a Sarnia Lambton Chamber of Commerce member in good standing.
  2. Demonstrates an exemplary customer service experience through social responsibility, community impact, technical expertise, innovation, growth and people impact.
  3. Goes above and beyond for customers or clients; high quality service from beginning to end. 
  4. Must include 2 - 5 letters of reference from employees, customers, suppliers, or any other impacted individual showcasing the results of the commitment to a consistent, high quality customer service experience, that is above and beyond expectations. Each letter is no longer than 2 pages in length. 
  5. Cannot have won this category in 2023.

Criterion Weight
Corporate and Community Impact 20.0%
People Impact (positive experience and impact on individuals) 20.0%
Letters of reference (2 to 5 letters) show 30.0%
Innovation 15.0%
Growth (business, jobs, community) 15.0%